Hondo Ohnaka and Pirates - Shatterpoint
“Oh the stories I could tell… so many of them true.” Hondo Ohnaka is one of my favorite minor characters in Star Wars, so he was on my list of characters to absolutely get. I had to try and do him justice, and I think I succeeded. Maybe I’m biased, but he’s one of my favorite results in my collection, alongside Grievous.
Also, Gwarm (middle right). Who even is Gwarm? I would be the guy people ask, and I’m not 100% sure. But, he somehow turned out to be one of my smoothest paint jobs. I don’t know why I did so well on Gwarm, of all characters, but I suppose I won’t complain.
The other pirates are alright, I guess. All I cared about was Hondo anyway.
“As my sweet mother always said, ‘Son, if one hostage is good, two are better. And three, well, that’s good business.’”
Cad Bane and Bounty Hunters - Shatterpoint
This is where I began to really have to refine my skills. More so than many of the core box characters, Cad Bane (middle left) had a lot of tiny details, and varying shades of the same color in his clothing. It took many tries on some of those details, but I am proud of the result.
Aurra Sing (middle right) was about as difficult, but perhaps less rewarding in the end. Both hers, and Ventress’ skin tones caused me a lot of issues when I got to the eyes.
The bounty hunter on the right was another use of dry-brushing. I used a light tan color to bring out the fur texture of the model, and I was pretty happy with how it turned out. The green guy on the left is a rare instance of me going off-script. He’s supposed to be red, but I guess I’m just a rebel.
Lord Maul and Supercommandos - Shatterpoint
Because of the dark red I used against the black, the details of these don’t show up very well on camera. Just take my word for it, Maul turned out pretty well, as did Gar Saxon (middle right).
The Supercommandos on either side are not among my favorite work, but I think they ended up just fine for what they are. Not a whole lot of eye-catching detail to them like the other two.