Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Count Dooku and Friends

I’ll be honest, I just saw this on eBay for cheap. Count Dooku was, like the Jedi, not too difficult to paint. The darker colors made his clothing a little harder to distinguish, but not much trouble. Compared to the Bad Batch, which I was still working on when I got this pack, he was quite simple.

Jango was difficult, especially the small details on his jetpack. However, I was so burnt out from the others that when I started him, I just powered straight through, happy to be working with colors besides grey and red.

The Magnaguards were actually harder than you might expect. Particularly, it was the markings on the cape that gave me trouble. Keeping them symmetrical through the folds while also creating that tiny arrow shape at their ends was a small nightmare.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

The Bad Batch - Shatterpoint


The Bad Batch was my most difficult undertaking to date, Wrecker (middle left) and Hunter (middle) in particular outdid even Commander Wolffe. However, the process (say it with me) ended up creating some of my favorite models in my collection. I am serious, though. Wrecker, Hunter, and Tech (middle right) have a special place in my heart (even if Tech wasn’t that hard).

I really would’ve appreciated some raised portions for the markings, but all save for the “99” on two helmets were smooth surfaces that I had to do, like, actual painting on. I am appalled.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

The Mandalorian and Friends - Shatterpoint

The Mandalorian was not nearly as difficult as he might look. At this point, I already had trained a pretty steady hand, and all the small details of his model were raised enough that a light brush-over would usually do the trick. The hardest part was actually Grogu’s pram. The way the model is constructed to make it look like it’s floating is genius, but this has been the only model I’ve needed to paint before fully assembling it.

Greef Karga (right) and IG-11 (left) were each fairly simple. After doing the 104th troopers and Wolffe, they were a welcome break!

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Plo Koon and the 104th - Shatterpoint

Another on my list of definite purchases, I was very excited for Plo Koon. Like the other Jedi, the robes and gauntlets were a nice, easy break to paint. The skin took me a few tries to get the color for, but it worked out once I applied the wash.

Commander Wolffe (middle right) was excruciating. The markings had so many small details, but I was determined to get them right. The end result, and I feel like I say this a lot, is now one of my favorites. I’ve included a closeup below of his shoulder, which took the most work.

The Wolfpack troopers were also difficult, but after having done Wolffe, they seemed like a breeze.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Hondo Ohnaka and Pirates - Shatterpoint

“Oh the stories I could tell… so many of them true.” Hondo Ohnaka is one of my favorite minor characters in Star Wars, so he was on my list of characters to absolutely get. I had to try and do him justice, and I think I succeeded. Maybe I’m biased, but he’s one of my favorite results in my collection, alongside Grievous.

Also, Gwarm (middle right). Who even is Gwarm? I would be the guy people ask, and I’m not 100% sure. But, he somehow turned out to be one of my smoothest paint jobs. I don’t know why I did so well on Gwarm, of all characters, but I suppose I won’t complain.

The other pirates are alright, I guess. All I cared about was Hondo anyway.

“As my sweet mother always said, ‘Son, if one hostage is good, two are better. And three, well, that’s good business.’”

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Mace Windu and Clone Troopers - Shatterpoint

Mace Windu was another of my favorites to paint. Very simple clothing and colors, and the Jedi insignias on his gauntlets were a particularly easy case of painting the indent first, then going over the outside to get really small details with minimal effort. AMG, you did good on this one.

Ponds (middle right), on the other hand, was kind of a pain. I think he turned out fine, but the curves of the markings on his armor were miserable to keep symmetrical with each other.

On the other, other hand, the ARF Troopers are some of my proudest clone trooper work. The markings on the sides of the helmets? No raised edges or indents. That’s all free-hand and steady wrists, baby.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Cad Bane and Bounty Hunters - Shatterpoint

This is where I began to really have to refine my skills. More so than many of the core box characters, Cad Bane (middle left) had a lot of tiny details, and varying shades of the same color in his clothing. It took many tries on some of those details, but I am proud of the result.

Aurra Sing (middle right) was about as difficult, but perhaps less rewarding in the end. Both hers, and Ventress’ skin tones caused me a lot of issues when I got to the eyes.

The bounty hunter on the right was another use of dry-brushing. I used a light tan color to bring out the fur texture of the model, and I was pretty happy with how it turned out. The green guy on the left is a rare instance of me going off-script. He’s supposed to be red, but I guess I’m just a rebel.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

General Grievous and Battle Droids

When I got this pack, I said it would be the last one. Didn’t work out that way.

Grievous remains one of my favorite models in my collection. He was fairly difficult to paint, but never boring.

Krakken (middle right) was much the same as Kalani, though my painting skills had improved by the time I got to him. I think he came out smoother than his counterpart.

The Super Battle Droids were, perhaps obviously, not much of a challenge. Just the red dot, and then a lot of dark metallic.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Lord Maul and Supercommandos - Shatterpoint

Because of the dark red I used against the black, the details of these don’t show up very well on camera. Just take my word for it, Maul turned out pretty well, as did Gar Saxon (middle right).

The Supercommandos on either side are not among my favorite work, but I think they ended up just fine for what they are. Not a whole lot of eye-catching detail to them like the other two.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Ahsoka Tano and Clan Kryze - Shatterpoint

These were done near the end of my first cluster of miniatures. The details on Bo-Katan’s (middle left) helmet really forced me to learn how to use the recesses molded onto these figures.

First, fill in those recesses, then go lightly around the edges with the outside color, so that the bristles of your brush don’t get into the cracks, and only catch the outer material of the helmet. It’s second nature to me now, but the first time took many attempts.

Ahsoka took a long time, but by that point, I had picked up some of the finer detail skills, so applying them on her face and armor trimming was very rewarding.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Asajj Ventress and Battle Droids - Shatterpoint

Ventress is maybe one of my least favorite paint jobs so far. She looks a bit better in person, but not all that much. I did get some practice at small details on flat surfaces, though!

Kalani (middle left) was a joy to paint. All I had to do for the gold detailing was lightly brush along it, and the raised edges took care of the rest. The hologram in his hand was also my first use of dry-brushing, a technique that involves removing excess paint from the brush, and working the remains into the bristles. The result is a sort of gradient effect.

Fun fact, my sister painted the yellow droid on the right! I added the yellow, so we’d remember which one it was.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Obi-Wan Kenobi and the 212th - Shatterpoint

Like the 501st, the 212th troopers were some of my first paint jobs, though I think they turned out a bit better than the boys in blue. I didn’t really get the hang of the small details until I got to Commander Cody.

Cody and Kenobi, I’m still quite proud of, even if the wash is a bit clumsy. The Jedi insignia on Kenobi’s armor was an early case of a process I’ll talk more about when I get to Bo-Katan.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Anakin Skywalker and the 501st - Shatterpoint

Aside from Ahsoka, these were some of the first minis I painted, and on the troopers, it shows. I actually had to redo them along with the 212th troopers by “pickling” them in isopropyl alcohol, which loosened the paint. Even after the second pass, I still wish I’d done a smoother job on the blue marks.

Still, I think Anakin and Rex hold up! Anakin was the first human face I did. The photo doesn’t show it, but I think I did pretty well on the eyes. Ahsoka was done much later, so the skill gap is evident.

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Caleb Arnold Caleb Arnold

Welcome to the blog!


I picked up a set of miniatures for Star Wars Shatterpoint about a year and some change ago, and I’ve been enjoying the hobby far more than I thought I would. So, for the sake of keeping things in one place (and adding content to my site), I decided to show off my work on these things in a more casual blog format.

From here, I’ll be posting once a day at 9am until my backlog runs dry in early February. After that, it’ll just be whenever I finish a new set.

For the sake of my wallet, I likely won’t be picking up any other miniature games, but they’ll end up here too, if I do.

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